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Final Presentations Set 1
Mezrab Storytelling School
The Mezrab Storytelling School takes you on a journey through stories from around the world. Over the past five months, 13 students have delved into stories, from the very personal to ancient myths from all corners of the world. At this final presentation, the students will each present their most favorite story, with live musical accompaniment.
The presentations by the 13 storytellers are in English and will be divided into 2 different performances. At 7 pm and at 9 pm. Set 1 has 6 storytellers, set 2 will have 7.
Storytellers in this set:
Ana Bender
Joost Delissen
Marion Laville
Natalino Bucci
Daniel Mora Gómez
Halil Cikmazkara
De Mezrab Storytelling School neemt je mee op reis langs verhalen vanuit de hele wereld. De afgelopen vijf maanden hebben 13 studenten zich verdiept in verhalen, van hele persoonlijke tot oeroude mythes uit alle hoeken van de wereld. Bij deze eindpresentatie presenteren de studenten ieder hun meest favoriete verhaal, met live muzikale begeleiding.
De presentaties van de 13 vertellers zijn Engelstalig en worden verdeeld in 2 verschillende voorstellingen. Om 19.00 uur en om 21.00 uur. Set 1 bestaat uit 6 vertellers, set 2 uit 7 vertellers.
Vertellers in deze set:
Ana Bender
Joost Delissen
Marion Laville
Natalino Bucci
Daniel Mora Gómez
Halil Cikmazkara
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